#ScaleUP initiative
#ScaleUp is a new initiative of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). It builds on previous work and publications of UNODC, partner agencies and international researchers, such as the Discussion Paper on “Stimulant Use Disorders: Current Practices and Current Perspectives” (UNODC, 2019). This document calls for the scale up of effective psychosocial treatment, as well as increased research on pharmacological treatment options with a view to increase treatment engagement, treatment retention and effective treatment options for stimulant dependence.
The #ScaleUp initiative will be formally launched at the Commission on Narcotic Drugs in March 2024. Interested Member States and other entities are invited to provide comments and feedback, request additional information on #ScaleUp, express their interest in participation and support the implementation of the initiative.
Read the brochure about the initiative AT THIS LINK.