LINKAGES project: “Going Online”

Going Online is a vision and evolving framework for how HIV programs can use online and mobile platforms to accelerate impact toward meeting their HIV education, prevention, testing, and treatment objectives. Read more

High Alert

New Zealand’s police, customs and health ministry, together with nongovernmental organizations, have launched an online alert system for harmful drugs that appear at the local drug scene. Read more

NEXT Distro: An online and mail-based harm reduction service

NEXT Distro is an online and mail-based harm reduction service designed to reduce opioid overdose death, prevent injection-related disease transmission, and improve the lives of people who use drugs. Read more

Online platforms prove to be effective in helping people in Russia who use drugs

HSE University researchers together with specialists from the Humanitarian Action Charitable Fund (St. Petersburg) and the University of Michigan School of Public Health (USA) studied the specifics of remote work with Russian people who use drugs to reduce the harm of drug use. They discovered that the use of online platforms increases the number of people who use drugs to seek help. Read more